Meet the Axemoor Officers

These are the elected Baronial Officers. Use the contact buttons below to contact them, or attend our monthly Baronial Business Meetings to learn how you can get involved.

heraldry: a gold key on a red background
Mistress Reina MacCormick


The Seneschal is the chapter president of this Barony.

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Lord Ludovico Occhiello


The Exchequer maintains the Barony’s finances.

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Lady Una inghean Fayrebarne


The Chatelain is often the first point of contact for new members in the Barony. This officer conducts outreach to the community to introduce and educate the public about our organization and serves as a go-between to help new members find the answers to their questions.

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Lord Barax Greicho

Knights Marshal

The Knights Marshal is in charge of all martial activities in the Barony.

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Master Michael Mallory

Rapier Marshal

The Rapier Marshal is in charge of rapier/fencing activities across the Barony.

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Baroness Tegan verch Duigan


The Constable of the Barony of Axemoor fulfils five main roles:
To be the main safety officer at SCA events

  • To collect indemnities as required by corpora and our insurance company
  • To police mundanity
  • To maintain order and good conduct at events
  • To administer lost property
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Master Dafydd ap y Knith

Live Weapons Marshal

The Live Weapons Marshal is in charge of archery activities in the Barony.

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Tankred Bras de Fer


The Herald aids in researching and registering heraldic display, name, and device (coat of arms) for individuals and groups.

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Lady Adalind

Minister of Arts & Sciences

The Minister of Arts & Sciences (A&S) coordinates activities relating to the arts, sciences, and other aspects of every day life.

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Baroness Adalyde de Sardaigne


The Chronicler is responsible for keeping meeting minutes at the monthly Barony Business Meeting. This officer also produces the Barony newsletter- The Bayou Tapestry

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No Photo Available

Minister of Children

This officer is responsible for all children related activities in the barony.

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THL Magnus


The Quartermaster maintains an inventory of the Barony’s possessions.

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Isabella Vitturi


The Webminister builds and maintains the Barony’s website and online presence.

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Lady Basina Viatrix

Social Media Officer

This officer handles all aspects of barony social media including our presence on social media platforms including video and other digital media creation.

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