This database is maintained to assist our populace in finding materials and goods along their reenactment journey. The barony does not personally endorse any of these vendors but we think having a repository of this information is helpful to all.
If you have information about one of the listed vendors that you think would preclude them from being on this list, please fill out the contact form and let us know. If you would like to add a vendor to this list, please fill out the form below.

Don’t see what you were looking for in our vendor list? Well help us make it better. This list is 100% crowdsources from Historical reenactors like yourself. Please fill out the form below if you would like to add to our knowledge base.

Universal Vendor List

Do you like shopping? Us too! Our local group has been putting together a list of vendors that have the goods and services that we are always looking for.

***the barony of axemoor does not endorse any vendor. This list is simply a crowdsources tool that we find helpful for local crafters.***