Greetings from the Barony of Axemoor!
Welcome to the Society for Creative Anachronism. If you are reading this, we will assume you have an interest in pre-17th century history, historical recreation, medieval martial arts, or medieval life.

There are estimated to be 50,000 participants in the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) worldwide. We are an international non-profit educational organization, with groups covering the North American continent, as well as groups in Japan, Australia, and throughout Europe. Our purpose is to recreate the atmosphere of the Ancient, Iron Age, Medieval and Renaissance periods of history, with emphasis on life in and around the Medieval period. The time period of the SCA ranges from pre- collapse of the Roman Empire to approximately the year 1600, at the end of the reign of Elizabeth I of England. We cover over 1000 years of history.
The SCA is organized geographically. The Knowne World encompasses the globe, and is divided into 19 kingdoms. The Barony of Axemoor is located in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. This Kingdom includes: Louisiana, Mississippi, extreme western Tennessee, and most of Arkansas. Each kingdom is further divided into smaller “chapters” such as cantons, shires, and baronies, which are further described under the newcomer links. The main offices of the SCA are in Milpitas, CA.
The SCA started in 1966 in Berkeley, CA with a medieval themed party attended by a group of college students. They had so much fun they decided to do it again the next year at a public park, but when they approached the park to reserve space, they were told they needed a group name. Marion Zimmer Bradley (author) came up with “Society for Creative Anachronism” on the spot, and the name stuck. The idea spread rapidly and several kingdoms formed over the years. The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann was created in May of 1996. You can read more about the kingdom history here at the Office of the Historian on the Gleann Abhann website.
Practices and meetings are free of charge and require no special clothing, but the majority of events do have an entry fee, and sometimes a separate fee for feast (see the newcomer sections on events and feasts).
The SCA welcomes all people who share our interest in the Middle Ages. We have participants of all ages, racial or ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations, sexual orientation, level of education, and economic backgrounds. We truly embrace the diversity found in our groups and respect all viewpoints. The only thing expected is an interest in the Middle ages, and a willingness to participate and learn.
We want you to come and explore the magical world of historical reenactment and all of the fun, amazing crafts and activities this hobby encompasses. The only thing we ask of our members is that you act honorably and treat everyone with respect. For all new members we recommend reading over the SCA Diversity, Equality and Inclusion guidelines for our organization. We welcome and accept all who want to join us and we want to make sure all feel welcomed.
Our current Chatelaine is Lady Kita Norndottir. You can reach her at with questions you have about anything from about what to wear at your first event, who to contact to get started in martial combat, or where to find local meetups. We are hear to help and are so excited to have you join us.
Here are a few resources that would be helpful for you! (Just click the links below)
- The Kingdom of Gleann Abhann official website features a Newcomers page that is full of all sorts of information to get you started. They also have a calendar of local and Kingdom level events so you know what’s coming up.
- Our barony spans most of the Greater New Orleans area, including the Northshore of lake Pontchartrain, the Westbank, and continues on till almost Hammond, La. Our two bordering territories are The Shire of Wyrmgeist, in Baton Rouge, and the Barony of Seleone in Biloxi. If you are wondering which territory you fall into please contact our Chatelaine for information.
- Facebook is an unofficial but popular site where members share photographs and status of their various projects in process, recommendations, and general chatter. Join our baronial Facebook group. You are also welcome to join any of the other local groups regardless of your residence. It is also worth noting that Facebook has hundreds of SCA special interest discussion groups with content you may find interesting. Try searching for “SCA (insert hobby)” to start finding more groups of people who share your interests.
- The Facebook page will be the best way to get dates for fighter practice, Arts and Science meetups, or monthly Business Meetings.
- The Society website also has a fantastic Newcomers Guide that you should take a look at. It will get you started on the path, and give you some guidance on “what is all of this, anyways?”
- If you are interested in heavy combat, please head over to that page for more information.
- If you are interested in Arts & Sciences go here for more information.
We hope that you find all the information you need to get started in these pages but please make sure you contact our Chatelaine so that we can make sure you have all the resources you need to be able to join our shared hobby!